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Search by single words, multiple words, or exact phrases. By default, search results are displayed by hierarchy (based upon their location in the left-hand Table of Contents); you can also sort and display search results based on relevancy. In addition, you can limit your search to a subset of AILALink by selecting specific sections of content, using the Filter Search menu to the left. If you're searching for INA or CFR provisions, use the INA/CFR search tab. If you're looking for a district court or state court case, or decisions of the AAO, OCAHO, or DOL ARB/ALJ, use Fastcase Premium. Additional Supreme Court, circuit court, and BALCA decisions are also available through Fastcase Premium.

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Boolean Search

Boolean searching uses keywords and operators to locate relevant results—i.e., results for the search "provisional" AND "waiver" would be limited to those documents containing both keywords. See below for an easy-to-use Search Syntax Guide. By default, search results are displayed by hierarchy (based upon their location in the left-hand Table of Contents); you can also sort and display search results based on relevancy. In addition, you can limit your search to a subset of AILALink by selecting specific sections of content, using the Filter Search menu to the left. If you're searching for INA or CFR provisions, use the INA/CFR search tab. If you're looking for a district court or state court case, or decisions of the AAO, OCAHO, or DOL ARB/ALJ, use Fastcase Premium. Additional Supreme Court, circuit court, and BALCA decisions are also available through Fastcase Premium.

Search Terms

Search Results Order

Search Syntax Guide

Operator Typing this... Finds documents with...
And one & two
one and two
both "one" and "two".
Or me | you
me or you
either "me" or "you".
Not me & ^him
me and not him
"me", but not "him".
Phrase "to be or not" the exact phrase "to be or not".
Single Character Wildcard wom?n
"woman", "women", etc., or "this", "that", "them", etc.
Multiple Character Wildcard a*n
"an", "addition", "assign", etc., or "work", "works", "working", etc.
Ordered Proximity corporate pre/10 tax pre/10 law "corporate", "tax" and "law" within 10 words, in the order given.
Unordered Proximity technical w/10 resource w/10 acquisition "technical", "resource" and "acquisition" within 10 words, in any order.
Stemming (word from) run% "run", "ran", "runs", and "running".
Synonym alert$ "alert", "active", "aware", "quick", etc.

Google Search

With AILALink's newly added Google search option, search results are sorted by relevancy using Google's powerful algorithms. Note that the Google search can only be performed on the entire database; you cannot can choose to limit your search to a specific subset of AILALink content, as you can with both the Advanced search and Boolean search options. If you're looking for a district court or state court case, or decisions of the AAO, OCAHO, or DOL ARB/ALJ, use Fastcase Premium. Additional Supreme Court, circuit court, and BALCA decisions are also available through Fastcase Premium.

Search Terms

INA/CFR Search

Search for a specific section of the INA or CFR. For more accurate results, specify a subsection where appropriate (i.e., instead of 212, search for 212(a), etc.). In addition, users should ensure that they've checked the box next to the appropriate section of content below (i.e., INA, CFR sections, or USC).

Enter INA or CFR Section (e.g. 104(a)(1), etc.)

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Please select at least one option for your search.

Find a Case

You can search using a full case name (Mellouli v. Lynch), a partial case name followed by an asterisk (Mellouli v. *), a party's name (Mellouli), or a citation (i.e., 625 F.3d 801; or 24 I&N Dec. 824). If you're looking for a district court or state court case, or decisions of the AAO, OCAHO, or DOL ARB/ALJ, use Fastcase Premium. Additional Supreme Court, circuit court, and BALCA decisions are also available through Fastcase Premium.

Case Name

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